What exercise can a man increase the potency

The problem of the violation of potency men face an average and adult life. Exercise to increase potency — this is a simple technique with which you can love your life. Such an exercise will be of benefit to male and with reduced sexual capacity, and without them.

Exercise for the force
  1. Improvement of erectile function
  2. Other types of exercise
  3. You will need to enhance the potency of drugs?

Improvement of erectile function

Health is not only physical, but sexual — an important part of male life. The proximity of the woman — natural vital phenomenon. Not all men can in a timely manner to keep track of sexual health, after everything that's happened in a violation of erectile function. For the prevention and the prevention of such problems, scientists have developed exercises to improve potency. Exercise every day, normalization, as well as enhance the male power , helping to fully restore the sexual health.

The gym for the strength training the muscles from the pubis and the coccyx, have a direct relationship with the force. Thanks to the training of these muscle erection will last longer, without the use of chemical medicines. After the execution of the tactics of the complex exercise becomes active and quick blood flow in the genital area.

To perform the first step for the improvement of sexual function, should take an appropriate initial position, for example, to sit in a chair, fully the area of the spine and losing the muscles of the shoulder. Your arms should bend at the elbows, tilting downwards. The breathing is through the nose, should be short.

The palms are made such moves, like something to grab. The area of the buttocks harden and shrink with anal hole. Making a break for 30 seconds, physical exercise for the improvement of the erectile function is even 7 times. First to do it will be extremely difficult, however, after the normal execution of the exercise will be easier and easier. Supports rectum and the entire urinary system men in excellent form. This exercise easily you can make invisible, even at work.


The following exercises for power, it is recommended to perform, being naked. One of these is made up, spread feet at shoulder width and bending your knees. The hands feature at the level of the band. Within 2 minutes you need to quickly make the move to the area of the pelvis back and forward. Sexual organ will also need to dominate. Nose are short breaths, mouth — to take a breath. After running 7 times it becomes a break for 30 seconds. These exercises for the strength it is recommended to do 5 times. Execution of moves is possible, even in the shower. Moreover, by regularly running this exercise, you can forget about taking medicines.

Further, while in the nude, a man has to squat in front of a mirror to see himself. The area of the testicles pulled up in a short expiry upwards. The abdomen and buttocks at the same time sucked. Outside, you will need to relax the scrotum. Like other exercises to enhance potency, this is done in an amount of 7 times with a break of 30 seconds.

In order to complete the following exercises from the complex man sitting on the floor, bending your knees. The area of the hands are placed on his knees, the body relaxes. On the exhale left shoulder heading forward. When the left leg, full-wave rectified in the knee, served the front path behind the shoulder, cheek was lifted. On the exhale the body should be straighten, the hip down and bend the knee with the right foot. Then, without interruption, the right leg put forward and to steer it there right shoulder. The walk is done in 7 steps, and after a break of 30 seconds exercise, repeat 15 times.

The following exercises for the prostate are performed in the supine position. The man lies on his back, bending his leg in half on his knees resting his feet on the floor. And two hands are located all along the torso, then the pelvis of up 15 times. Recreation lasts for 1 minute. Exercise perform 7 times.

Squats — important part of the complex, which consists of physical exercise to increase the potency. However, they have an important difference from conventional squats, exerting a positive effect on the male body. This happens thanks to the active inflow of blood in the legs, pelvis and the production of the male hormone testosterone. To perform this exercise, male have to stand in level position, spread feet a little wider than shoulders. Before performing sit-ups, buttocks tense. The legs and the two legs of the discharge from the floor. A man falls down as far as it can. Near the bottom should be left for 3 seconds, and then gradually open and the two feet. Squatting is performed 20 times. During execution of such an exercise is very important to keep the buttocks to stress corrosion cracking, so that the muscles, that affect erectile function, it worked well.

This exercise from the therapeutic complex is of the wall. A man becomes the wall and resting on the fingers of the hand. Then, you should alternatively lift the legs, the toes from the floor is not retracted. This exercise is repeated 10 times. One approach is to understand exactly half a minute.

Go jogging

Other types of exercise

Without a doubt, a series of exercises to improve the potency has a positive effect on the sexual health of the male sex. But certain actions in conjunction with the band will help to improve the result and more quickly to achieve the desired result. For example, the daily exercise and in such a simple exercise, such as running or sports walking, will help to keep the body men in a state of constant alert.

The presence of a regular sexual life, it directly affects the sexual health. If in human life there is the regular sex, then the body will react to stimulation with the help of reflex. This means that this will happen much more quickly. In the morning the body the male sex hormones that are produced by themselves, for this time of the day, you can even do not remember that there are medications for the effect.

Immediately after exercise to increase and maintain the erectile function in alert male you need to take a contrast shower. It helps to improve blood circulation and strengthen the blood vessels in the body. Particular attention to be given to the area of the pelvis, alternately warm jet of water with the cold.

The last step for the lifting activity, that should not be ignored is the massage active points on the foot. Among the large number of active points in this area of the body and there are those who are responsible for the normal perform of erectile function of the body. Light massage of the foot and barefoot will not be enough.

You will need to enhance the potency of drugs?

For anybody not a secret that the ability of the male body to commit sexual contact can be easily restored with the use of the medicinal product. In a more popular drug is a substance called sildenafil, which increases blood flow to the genitals. However, these medications help only 4 men from 5 with reduced erectile function.

The drug is taken 1 hour prior to the intended a single touch. The drug begins its action in 30 minutes after taking. The effect lasts about 4 hours. To tablet really began to act, the man must be sexually excited. In the opposite case, the drug is useless.

Treatment potency

For the most part of the male sex, the drug has a positive effect immediately after the first download. If the drug does not have a proper result, best to book a consultation with your doctor.

If you do regular exercise to increase the potency, then the positive effect will not wait long. With exercise, healthy living and faith in yourself, you can easily do it without drugs. The whole complex will have to perform healthy men and men with problems for the prevention and promotion of sexual health.